Creating Community

By July 26, 2018Leadership

Have you ever felt worn out? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Rundown? Out of place?

I know I have, on numerous occasions. Is it fun? No. Is it depleting? Yes. Does it feel like you need help but are too scared to say anything to anyone? Absolutely.

However, when going through a situation like this, keyword here is ‘through’ – meaning passing by, not residing, just visiting, temporary, not permanent – it is imperative that you do not let it become who you are.  Better yet, it is essential that you refuse to go at this battle alone.  Easier said than done, I know.

Not too long ago I was in a situation that I was struggling with. I didn’t know what to do, where to go, who to turn to, and the most terrifying thing was I didn’t want anyone to know what I was going through.  I didn’t want to let anyone close enough to my situation to allow them to even help me work through it. I was caught in the struggle bus and I was ghost riding that whip. How many of you can relate? You don’t want people to know that part of your life, you’re embarrassed what people may think, you are scared to confront the issues you are currently facing and as a result you bury them deeper inside.  Let me share with you a little secret that has changed my life and countless others that I have shared this with… “what you are too insecure to confront, you are too scared to overcome.”

This statement is truer than most would give it credit. It packs a huge punch that most aren’t willing to step in the ring with. However, for those who do, it is quite rewarding.  I can speak personally as this was the answer to my struggles.  Notice that is a plural word, struggle(s).  We all have obstacles that come and try and derail us from leading our best life, but remember, most are just too insecure to confront them.  For those of you who are ready, here’s how.

How do I work through my struggles?


Community? Yes, community.  The place where people care about you more than you know.  The place that it is filled with love and acceptance.  The place where you can come as you are, not what you are not.  The place that builds you up, not breaks you down.  I am talking about THAT kind of community. When you experience real, honest, genuine, inviting, invigorating community, it will change your life.  It did mine!

Here is the deal. If you are reading this right now, it may not exactly be about what you are missing out on joining, it may be about what you are missing out on creating.

I am reminded of a saying that compares three different types of people.  The first kind of person makes things happen, the second person watches things happen and the third person wonders what just happened. Three mentalities, three belief systems, three outlooks, but only one that requires action.

Action requires purpose.

Community is created with action. The process of making it happen, putting forth effort, building, contending, nurturing, feeding, watering, exercising, practicing, living out what others view as a good idea or a scary ambition. Nonetheless, those that make things happen are the movers and shakers of creating community.  They are the ones who see more in others and make it their goal to pull it out them, so they can see it in themselves. That’s community with a purpose.

My friend and mentor, John Maxwell, always says, “The greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself.” If we fail to invest in ourselves, how are we, as a people, going to be able to lead and effectively impact the lives of the people around us in our community. Simply put, we won’t.  But I believe, just as you are reading this right now, that is not you. You are willing to dive in. To make things happen. To bring forth action. To support people by doing life together. To help people overcome obstacles. To live a life that truly impacts others by building community.

Reach out. Raise up. Community starts with you. 


I would love to hear from you. If this blog has impacted you in any way or stirred up any thoughts, please feel free to like, comment or share below!

P.S. I am in final stages of publishing my first eBook, 3 Simple Steps to Lead a Life You Love. **be on the lookout, coming soon**

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Devin Greco

Author Devin Greco

I am an Entrepreneur, Communicator and a Certified John Maxwell Leadership Speaker, Trainer and Coach. I am passionate about helping people lead a life they love. In my free time I enjoy being around the water, surfing, reading a good book, and enjoying a quality cup of coffee.

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